Join the meetings

The Journal Clubs are monthly online meetings in which we discuss a recent paper relevant to the field of Computational Musicology. The meetings are supposed to not last longer than 2 hours.

You can join our monthly journal clubs here:

The next meeting date is Tuesday, March 10th, 2020, 5pm Berlin time.

The paper to be discussed is shown at the top of the list below. If you want to participate in further discussions on Computational Musicology, feel free to join our Google Group.


The following papers have been or will be discussed in our monthly journal club. They should all be available in our Zotero group.


  • [21.01.2021] Navarro-Cáceres, M., Caetano, M., Bernardes, G., Sánchez-Barba, M., & Merchán Sánchez-Jara, J. (2020). A Computational Model of Tonal Tension Profile of Chord Progressions in the Tonal Interval Space. Entropy, 22(11), 1291.


  • [19.06.2020] Beaty et al. (preprint). Spontaneous Melodic Productions of Expert Musicians Contain Sequencing Biases Seen in Language Production.
  • [19.05.2020] Rohrmeier (preprint). The Syntax of Jazz Harmony I: Diatonic Tonality, Phrase Structure, and Form.
  • [10.03.2020] Lin & Tegmark (2017). Critical Behavior in Physics and Probabilistic Formal Languages. Entropy 19(7), 299;
  • [13.02.2020] Gold, B. P. et al. (2020). Predictability and uncertainty in the pleasure of music: A reward for learning? Journal of Neuroscience, 39(47), 9397-9409.


  • [20.12.2019] Mehr, S. et al. (2019). Universality and diversity in human song. Science 366(6468).
  • [28.11.2019] Tichko, P., Large, E. W. (2019). Modeling infants’ perceptual narrowing to musical rhythms: neural oscillation and Hebbian plasticity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • [1.8.2019] Smit, E. A., Milne, A. J., Dean, R. T., Weidemann, G. (2019). Perception of affect in unfamiliar musical chords. PLOS ONE.
  • [27.6.2019] Koops, H. V., de Haas, W. B., Burgoyne, J. A., Bransen, J., Kent-Muller, A., & Volk, A. (2019). Annotator subjectivity in harmony annotations of popular music. Journal of New Music Research, 1–21.
  • [23.5.2019] White, C. W., & Quinn, I. (2018). Chord Context and Harmonic Function in Tonal Music. Music Theory Spectrum, 40(2), 314–335.
  • [30.4.2019] Jacoby, N., Tishby, N., & Tymoczko, D. (2015). An Information Theoretic Approach to Chord Categorization and Functional Harmony. Journal of New Music Research, 44(3), 219–244.